10 steps you must take to achieve the ultimate lifestyle in 2025

In 2025 we’re gonna be: smarter, prettier, stronger, disciplined, successful, focused, ambitious, richer and better.


You’re seeing influencers making so much money, going on the trips you have always dreamed of. You are a witness to people achieving their dreams but this year is different, Y’know why. Cause other will witness you achieving your dreams, as well this year. If nothing ever motivates you to start that thing or put more effort or trust in yourself. This article will, stick with me to the end.

Sometimes it feels like you dont know what to do, where to start or even what your doing. All the efforts you put into your work and your dreams feel like they’re all in vain. Whatever you’re doing, as long as its true to you (and is not illegal). Trust me, you’re not on the wrong path.

One: Ignore that limiting voice at the back of your mind

You have to be delusional; you have to reach for the stars, you have to do this and believe it with all your whole heart. Now people will tell you to be logical, to do something more “realistic”, but if you believe deep in your heart that your dreams can be manifested, if you’ve prayed, if everything in you wants this thing to work, then it will.

Two: A dream is just a wish without work

A dream is not a wish, you can’t sit back and wait for a fairy Godmother to save you. You need to work for what you want. Owning a business, brand, influencing etc requires as much work as a 9-5. You must take your personal work as seriously as you would take a job at one of the biggest companies. You have to respect your dreams for it to pay off. So if you set out a number of working hours per day to focus on your own thing, it is best you stick to those working hours if at all you want to see progress.

Three: Consistency and discipline

Consistency consistency consistency, I know you’ve heard this a million times, but do you really understand the effort it takes to be consistent???

If someone hasnt explained what true consistency is, let me do it. To be consistent does not mean you can pick up on your dreams when you feel like. It definitely does not mean you have to work only when you feel like working, consistency means that every single day, you do something that you goal.

Consistency and discipline go hand in hand, staying consistent everyday requires disciplin and vice versa. To be disciplined you have to be able to set aside your desires, especially ones that are stoppi ng you from achieving those dreams. In my case it was doomscrolling, social media addiction and day dreaming. Find yours and stop feeding them.

Four: Stop working hard on the wrong thing

I was always terrible at math and worse at coding. Computer science was a course I never saw coming, but still I embraced it, and it taught me resilience and strength (I graduated with an amazing CGPA). The strength I developed doing something I hated helped me apply that strength and resilience doing the things I love. But oh! how much time I wasted. The long hours and long months of impeccable suffering, constant self-doubts, and depression I had to go through, but life is in phases, and we will eventually find ourselves in the long run. Although there is so much time to find yourself, make sure you aren’t wasting any time. Time is valuable.

If you find yourself doing some things because the crowd is doing that thing, or solely for the purpose of money (especially if that thing isn’t bringing any significant income to you), then let it go. Find what works for you and never let it go.

Five: You must have feasible plans

Yes, be delusional with your dreams but if you don’t have feasible plans to work up tp that goal then you might be a little bit off. Life is not a fairytale and if you have dreams but dont know a few steps needed to get there then I’m sorry. You need to know a few routes that could lead to your destination. If you wish to be a famous writer or singer, do you just write in your journal or sing in your bathroom? No, that brings me to my next point…

Six: Put yourself out there

You werent just created to balance the eco system, you were created to contribute to humanity in anyway that you can so stop hiding and allow yourself to be seen (most importantly by the right crowd). Show your skills, be confident.

Seven: Ignore saturation

You are unique in your own way. there is enough space in this world for you to do your thing. You will bring your own uniqueness to everything you do. There will be always too many brands, influencers, doctors, singers, actors, writers etc. Do not be intimidated by saturation and stay confident.

Eight: Time is Value

Your time is very important to your and your dreams, whatever you do in this life should be of value. Whether its something like a morning walk, trip, helping family or more significant like dedicating time to work and exercise. Don’t waste your time on things, people and situations that basically do not matter to your life, happiness or to others.

Nine: Health is wealth

Your health should be your main priority (after God of course) and yes not only your health but those of your close family as well. When someone close falls sick, it can affect you in so many ways. Financial, emotional etc (especially if you’re an empath) so inform your family on wellness tips and try to involve them in your health journey as well.

Ten: You are not a robot, life is dynamic

You do not always need to stick to a routine, take time to deliberately learn about you and what works for you. If what works for you changes, the continue to adapt to your continous evolution.


Growth is seen in many ways, this blog was written to not intimidate but to motivate and inspire. I hope it helped, thanks for reading and join my pinterest community to further support my blog.

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