How the frequency of aura reflects your state of being

I used to ask myself, ‘why do people resonate so well with you one day and another day, you just can’t bring yourself to relate with them?’ After a lot of observation and research, I came the the conclusion that everyone has an aura, ones that match and ones that don’t. These auras may operate on different frequencies that could either form strong bonds or cause separation between people. Sometimes a difference in the frequency of an aura may lead to temporary distance between people or permanent separation on extreme cases.


What is a person’s state of being?

A person’s state of being is how a person is exists at a particular point in time. It is the condition of a person at various states of their life. You might be wondering “What is the importance of all this to us on a daily basis?” A persons state of being is in fact a very important aspect of living because it affects nearly every aspect of life, including overall well-being, relationships, and ability to function effectively. In this article I state five ways the frequency of an aura reflects a person’s state of being.

How the frequency of aura reflects your different states of being;

The physical state

How an aura affects the physical state of a person deeply relates to psychophysiological phenomena. That is, when a there is a physical outcome due to mental or psychological causes. In the case of frequency levels of auras, the change isn’t exactly scientific. A person has an aura and that aura could exist on different frequencies. Lets say a person has a magnetic aura, there would be sometimes when that individual exist on a frequency when he/she is attracting everyone including toxic people because that person is existing on the same frequency as people who are toxic. A person’s physical state of being can be affected negatively or positively depending on the type of frequency that person radiates.

The emotional state

The emotional state of being of a person refers to the subjective experiences and feelings a person experiences at a particular moment over a period of time. The environment in which a person resides plays a great role in the type of frequency that is being radiated. This in turn has an effect on the emotional state of being of an individual. If you stay in a toxic environment where there is a rush of anger and resentments. It might be easy to fall prey and succumb to that same low and dark frequency, which in turn affects your emotional state of being.

The mental state

The mental state of being of a person describes the state of their mind, which includes their awareness, feelings, perceptions, and ideas. High-frequency, clear, and bright colors might be associated with mental clarity, focus, and positive thinking. Low-frequency, cloudy, or muddled colors might reflect confusion, mental fatigue, or negative thought patterns.

The spiritual state

This is one of the most important because it is the foundation of the rest. The spiritual state of being of a person describes a person’s relationship to a transcendent or heavenly entity. It includes everything pertaining to the human soul, spirit, or consciousness, including beliefs, values, and experiences. It’s a very personal experience that differs greatly between people and civilizations. Higher frequencies are often linked with spiritual development and enlightenment. Colors like violet, indigo, and white are sometimes associated with higher spiritual awareness and connection. A balanced and harmonious aura might indicate a strong spiritual connection and inner peace.

Interpersonal relationships

When interacting with others, a harmonious aura might reflect positive and supportive relationships. Dissonant frequencies or colors might suggest tension or unresolved issues in relationships. There are people who radiate very different energy from you, some of these disrupts your own energy or complements your. Understand what frequencies to distance from and what to allow.


Life is very dynamic and there are situations where we cannot control what happens. A person can exist constantly on the best spectrums and still have very unpleasant things happen to them. Live life as you can and change only the things you can. Also note that being the same state of frequency for too long can affect you overall aura.

Understanding when to be patient with other people who may not be able to exist as the same frequency as us is very important. Before you make decisions to cut people off based of on their auras or whatnot, ask yourself these simple question. Are they worth keeping in my life? are they experiencing things that is making them unstable? Do they hurt me? Does their presence affect my state of being? Are they worthy of being in my life and do they value me in theirs?

When you’ve answered these questions honestly, you can then make decisions based off on the answers you got.

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